Imagine you are the continuous non-interrupted movement of your imagination when you mentally hide in a nice and clean theatrum especially conceived to perceive, conceive and accelerate the development of new behaviors, roles, and stereotypes in concordance with what the environment asks your viable system to do to survive in its temporal and physical boundaries. You would have a fresh and new place to renegotiate your response to the environment brought up by nature and its emerging nurture which is a human construct.
In my game which isn’t somehow mythical nor mythological, held in my imagination there are actors who represent each part of my brain and they think and act in situations that the game gives them, the one who asks to play the role they choose and assigns themselves to by their will. These parts have the opportunity to create strategies when asked to withdraw from the scene and demonstrate their behavior in each of the actions of the acts of the scenes that are asked to be performed by the universe.
We can cite in Mr Nurture, cognition, models, experience, and tacit knowledge, and in Madame selection, daughter of nature and her order/reign, which had undergone many atrocities in the selection of thought paths and the stimulation which can be corrected by an action taken by cognition. These collect behaviors, study them, and carry out strategies according to the objectives to give movement to the plan which requires to COOPERATE WITH OTHERS in an extremely DIPLOMATIC way if they want to survive certain lacks of resilience which would be definitively unequal to their objectives. thus possibly bringing disappointment.