Cybernetics magickal entities

Viable systems

6 min readDec 24, 2020

By Analyzing “to control a system you have to have a model of how it works”;
what does it imply?


A viable system is any system organised in such a way as to meet the demands of surviving in the changing environment.

Viable system theory (VST) concerns cybernetic processes in relation to the development/evolution of dynamical systems. They are considered to be living systems in the sense that they are complex and adaptive, can learn, and are capable of maintaining an autonomous existence, at least within the confines of their constraints. These attributes involve the maintenance of internal stability through adaptation to changing environments. One can distinguish between two strands such theory: formal systems and principally non-formal system. Formal viable system theory is normally referred to as viability theory, and provides a mathematical approach to explore the dynamics of complex systems set within the context of control theory. In contrast, principally non-formal viable system theory is concerned with descriptive approaches to the study of viability through the processes of control and communication, though these theories may have mathematical descriptions associated with them.

Source: Wikipedia

Magickal entities

Many systems have been developed over the ages to help us control our thoughts. A great amound of dogma too has been kicked around in an attempt to make us into better people. Magick (the occult kind, spelled with a ‘k’) is one of the oldest and most general of these systems. Magick is the study and application of psychic forces. It uses mental training, concentration, and a system of symbols to program the mind. The purpose of magick is to alter the self and the environment according to the will.

Sorcery — esoterically and correctly understood — is the use, by
an individual, individuals, or a group, of acausal energy, either directly (raw/acausal/chaos) or by means of symbolism, forms, ritual, words, chant (or similar manifestations or presencing(s) of causal constructs).

Magick always involves self-hypnosis. However, it is more than that too. For one thing, there are objective forces involved (or so it would seem). Deities, spirits, and cosmic force can have an independent existence.

Whenever we concentrate our thoughts, we draw psychic energy together. This is called a thoughtform. Usually the energy dissipates as soon as we break the concentration, but it is possible to purposely concentrate energy in this way, producing very strong thoughtforms.

Such thoughtforms are vortexes or centers of psychic energy. They can exist as entities by themselves, at least for a while. They are basically inanimate, non-thinking forces.

Words and magick were, in the beginning, one and the same thing. Even today’s words retain much of their magical power.

The relation between the VSM and acausal entities

I will draw your attention to the relations between cybernetics superscience and magick superbelief but first let’s get aware of two things:

Here is the point, we’ve learned that thoughts have an independent force (Of life, creation) that are drawn in energy from our chakras supplied in energy from our body and that they exist in an acausal realm, they then use a conduit (We’re a direct conduit of our belief system) to affect the causal realm where our body belongs to.

Omnipotent reality (Macrosom)
Independent thoughts (Microsom)

Theses are documents released by the CIA, not so long ago.

Let’s list the systemic elements that have drawn our attention:

  • Acausal realm
  • Conduit
  • Causal realm
  • Energy structure (system of rituals)
  • Mind power (Thought ball)
  • Positive force (creative, order)
  • Negative force (destruction, chaos)

The viable system model is a good schema to represent independent entities of the acausal and causal realm:

VSM Metasystem is the acausal energy structure.
VSM Operation is the will of the acausal energy structure plus the conduit to the causal realm..
VSM Environment is the causal realm where our bodies belong to.

The VSM Metasystem, once it has audited the operation and environment will seek for the best opportunities to act, it uses levier and amplifier, the mind can be a levier but the system is much more complex, magick happens everyday, but a smile, a simple levier for attraction, will amplify the chance to succeed in making someone falling in love.

Maybe we can discuss further of systemic point of view but I’ve listed some approach below that will lead your thinking in understanding the order of the thoughts-form-group that are constantly acting throughout and upon us even without being aware of it. In magick, you have magickal system such as Hindu mantras that can turn bad times into good times or even cancel any magick, it is forces opposing each other, the energy will eventually be directed into another direction or dissipate by the meeting with another magick.

System interactions

(If the acausal entity is not viable, it will dissolve in entropy)

System engineering and their approaches

  • Holism proposes that everything within a system is connected/related to — and affects — everything else, so there is mutual interdependence. Viewing, or even considering, parts on their own is irrational. Systems, and their problems have to be viewed as a whole. Holism observes the tendency of the natural world to create ”wholes”, and that a whole may be more than the sum of its parts…
  • Synthesis is the opposite of reduction. Synthesis proposes that the various parts of a complex system cannot exist/survive/operate/behave/even be considered in mutual isolation. A system comes into existence when the complementary parts are brought together. Each then depends for its very existence on interchanges with the other parts. In turn, this implies that open systems are/have to be active/dynamic.
  • The organismic analogy proposes, not that all complex systems are organisms, but rather that, like biological organisms, they behave as unified wholes. Each has a life-cycle, each exhibit growth, stability and death — often sudden, collapsing death.

The principle of cyclic progression:


Interconnected systems driven by an external energy source will tend to a cyclic progression in which system variety is generated, dominance emerges, suppresses the variety, the dominant mode decays or collapses, and survivors emerge to regenerate variety.

Open systems

In the process, open systems absorb sustenance from whatever passes through them.

We can make some general observations.

  • Energy creates disorder. If we heat a substance, its molecules vibrate, there may be a change of state. If energy is injected into an argument, disorder may result.
  • Variety interacts to form systems. Sometimes the interaction is uneventful, sometimes inimical, but sometimes the parts find mutual benefit. On those occasions, separation would be unnecessary or disadvantageous.
  • Systems reduce entropy. Because of the complementary nature of the parts from which a system must be formed, both the parts and hence their intra connections form a pattern.
  • Systems break apart sooner or later, increasing entropy back towards the state before the system formed.

The principle of system cohesion is that within a stable, interacting, system set, the net cohesive and dispersive influences are in balance. This means that interacting systems stability increases with variety, and with the degree of connectivity of that variety within the environment.


As above, so below: The concept has also been used specifically in cybernetics. Reji M. Issac of BPC College Piravom claims that through cybernetics it is possible to “generate a key point of microcosm symbol which can reach up to macrocosm world and can explain about its control” and so realise Herbert Brun’s definition of cybernetics as “a science to cure all temporary truth about eternal triteness”.




Written by Prophet79


We get lifted, trough the light magick happens.

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